Basics of Managing Networks for Security, Fault, and Accounting


The resources of network control access are the security management’s goal based on guidelines locally so that the unintentional or intentional sabotaging of the network will not push through and without the right authorization the access on sensitive data is not possible. Access refusal for those who entered access codes that are not correct and monitoring of the user’s network resource logging on are the functions performed by the subsystem of the security management.

The subsystems of management for security are done through network resources partitioning into areas for unauthorized and authorized. Some users who are strangers in the company do not have any rights to access any resource of the network and it is also inappropriate to have information access from a specific department as for other users of network internally.

There are several functions performed by the subsystems of the security management because it determines the mapping between a set of users and the resources of the sensitive network as well as other entities, files, and systems for the identification of resources of the sensitive network. Likewise, resources of sensitive network inappropriate access logging and resources of sensitive network points of access are also being monitored.


For an effective network operation, the fault management’s main goal is to fix, log, detect, and user notification of problems in the network. The elements of management that the network of ISO implements all throughout is the management of fault because it can cause unlikely degradation of the network or frequent downtime error.

The problem isolation and symptoms determination are the things involved in fault management. On subsystems that are generally important, there is a tested solution as the problem is solved, and then there is a recording of the problem resolution and detection.


For the appropriate regulation of group or individual users on the network, the management of accounting goal is to measure the parameters of network utilization wherein the access for network fairness for all users and based on capacities of resource, the resources network is apportioned due to the minimization of problems for the network under this regulation.

The measuring of the use of important resources of the network is the first technique toward managing the accounting aspect in the right way like with the management of performance. At this stage, you can set the quotas of utilization and provide insight into patterns of utilization at the present time that is brought about by results analysis. For reaching the practices of maximum access, it is a requirement to have a correction at times. The billing information yielded can be linked to the resource use measurement at present time, likewise, the information used for continuous utilization of maximum and fair resources at this stage.

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